Jan 6, 2022

Phew! 2021 had been a ride, and now we must brace for 2022. If you are new to the cybersecurity industry, welcome aboard! For veterans, have some light-hearted laughs earlier this year.


1.   Security incident emergencies during holidays.

If you are a security team member in year 2021, this Christmas must have been “fun” for you.


2.   Patching a vulnerability only to find another one.

Via Reddit


3.   Increasing needs for more cybersecurity staff.

Via Balbix

“Do we really need another security staff? Do we really need to train the ones we already have?”

YES, yes we do.


4.   Knowing that cyber-attacks on the manufacturing and industrial sector will be increasing exponentially in the coming years.

There’s no slowing down when it comes to cybercrime. High revenue, low risk (as in, less risk dying compared to robbing a bank physical), crimes like ransomware will continue to grow.



5.   When they said they passed the security audit but in the account management…

Via The Compliance Meme Gallery

Account management is part of a complete security posture assessment, and insider threats (usually by disgruntled ex-employee) are among the highest threats for an organization.



6.   IoT + Connected + Automation = Larger Attack Surface Area

via MemeGenerator.net

With everything interconnected and being able to be remotely accessed, some might want to dip their toes in it (tips: do micro-segmentation in your network infrastructure to reduce the risk)



7.   When others in the organization keep thinking cybersecurity is Just the IT / Security team’s responsibility (and skip security awareness training).

Via The Security Company

Sometimes…things take practice. Take a deep breath, remain calm, and remind.



8.   That current cyber threats are almost as expansive as a whole universe

via @egayangeles

Cyber threats aren’t simply cyber threats. Just like any sci-fi movies, each of them evolves into a world of their own, and we security professionals become the adventurers venturing into the wild.



9.   We can still take a break and joke around though (hey, we’re still humans)

via @KirkBater

Being on-the-clock doesn’t mean we cannot take a breather. What’s comedy if not inspired by tragedies?



10. And we still have hope for 2022


Sure, it ended with the Log4J incident last year (and we’re still mitigating it), but we can get through it, right?


May we have a better time this year everyone!